CVS Closure Announcement

CVS Diesel and
CVS Pentapower closure announcement
It is with regret that we announce the closure of our CVS Diesel and CVS Pentapower businesses from Friday 23rd February 2024. We have taken the decision to cease using our two CVS brands due to the retirement of a number of key employees over the last 12 months. The closure of CVS does not affect the normal operation of our Service & Projects division “The Generator Company” or our Rental Division “Powerhire” who will now occupy our Northampton premises.
Any existing orders will be fulfilled and should you have any questions regarding existing orders please forward them to Pauline Simmons via email to p.simmons@cvsdiesel.com
We would like to thank all of our customers over the last 50+ years for their business and support
For all your diesel engine and generator needs please visit 'The Generator Company' or for rental 'Powerhire'

TGC International Ltd are a UK based company operating globally and specialising in Industrial Diesel Engines and Diesel Generators.
©2024 by TGC International